Upholding Constitutional Value


Upholding constitutional values is one of the major objectives of PeRGo. India’s constitution
declares it to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. It clearly mentions that the
state must secure justice, equality and liberty to all, promote fraternity, and assure dignity of the
individual. However, it is very unfortunate that rather than compliance, we get to see these values
in erosion. The concept of socialism has gone to the winds. Seventy percent of India’s wealth is
owned by a select few. Inequality reigns supreme. Secularism is under grave threat. Fundamentalist
forces threaten to tear society apart and totally destroy the social fabric. We, as awakened citizens
of the country, must realise that the responsibility for upholding these constitutional values lies with
the people, too. PeRGo remains totally committed towards this ideal.


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