PeRGo files Petition for Protection of Biological Diversity in High Court of Himachal Pradesh Shimla


The contribution of State towards protection of biological diversity has been very minimalistic. It has been seen that the pharmaceutical companies depend upon extraction of herbs and other plants for manufacture of medicines. The State of Himachal Pradesh is very rich in biodiversity. But unregulated extraction has resulted in plundering and even extinction of many species.

In order to protect flora and fauna the Parliament enacted Biological Diversity Act in 2002 which had there objectives i.e. Protection of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of its use. Equitable sharing of benefits would mean that when a manufacturer or seller extracts the plant products from the State, he has to share a percentage out of total sale price with the local communities.

The apathy of State can be seen from the fact that until 2019 it had not even framed rules under the Act for its implementation. The complicity of big pharmaceutical companies and high level officials of the government can also not be ruled out. The Himalayas have been plundered. One RTI received from government disclosed that till date not even a single company ever applied for permission to access biodiversity. The silence of State is unexplainable.

Keeping in view the PeRGo sought different information under RTI Act and filed Civil Writ Petition in High Court of HP for strictly enforcing the provisions of the Act. The Court has issued notices to State and directed
them to file reply thereto.


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