Appointments of Additional Advocate General, Deputy Advocate General and Assistant Advocate General in Himachal Pradesh high court Shimla


As per the past practice, the Appointments of Advocate General, Deputy Advocate General, and Assistant Advocate general in High Court Himachal Pradesh, State Administrative Tribunal, and other bodies were totally a political act and these Appointments were made only on the basis of political connection. The Supreme Court in CIVIL APPEAL NO. 3194 OF 2016 (Arising out of SLP(C) No.8416 of 2016 CC No.5470 of 2014)State of Punjab & Anr. …Appellants Versus Brijeshwar Singh Chahal & Anr. …Respondents .(judgment) have observed that there has to be a selection criterion for the appointment of advocates in these posts. Some Advocates practicing in different parts of Himachal Pradesh contacted PeRGO for helping them with filling this Petition(PETITION) in Himachal Pradesh high court.

Accordingly, PeRGO took a decision to give them legal assistance for filing the matter, and a petition was filed in the High Court. The notices were issued to the state government by the high court of Himachal Pradesh. The state of Himachal Pradesh filed the reply and stated that It had decided to implement the judgment of the Apex court and had constituted a committee for a recommendation of selection criteria to the government.

The matter is pending for further adjudication in the court. The court has finally decided the matter and has directed the State of Himachal Pradesh and the Union of India to implement the judgment if the Supreme Court of India, where the Apex court has directed the State to frame selection criteria for the appointment of these law officers.

Final Order


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